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Intercultural English 

Many of the students that come to me have stayed in the same loop for years. They have studied English since they can remember and still feel they can’t communicate the way they wished. I wish I could tell you there’s a quick way to get where you want, but the truth is that learning a language is a lifelong journey, and whoever tells you otherwise, just wants to “sweet-talk” you into going back into that same old pattern. But what if I could tell you that most of your frustration connected to not feeling “fluent enough” is connected to your self-perception. You know that little annoying internal voice we all have. And don’t get me wrong, I am not saying you don’t have to improve your English, but maybe it’s time to become aware of any self sabotaging patterns that could be hindering your learning process and have a look at it from a different perspective.


English is the most spoken language in the world, and today, non-native English speakers outnumber native ones. Learning English is just half of the process, we need to understand our own roots as well as gaining intercultural awareness in order to open our minds and learn to communicate with other cultures. 


In this course, we will focus on, not only reinforcing the structure of the language, but also learning skills that can help you level up your game and finally be able to use English as a key to open a door to innumerable opportunities around the globe. 


  • Levels B2-C1 

  • English Grammar and Collocations 

  • Understanding Pronunciation and Intonation Techniques 

  • Presentation and Communication Skills 

  • Introduction to Intercultural Communications 

  • Tools to identify and work through self-sabotaging patterns 

  • Time management and language learning tools. 

  • Minimum 4 online language lessons per month which includes: 

    • 3h 20m > custom-made private language lessons per month +

    • 15 hours  > planned self-study activities   +

    • Total of hours invested = 18h 20m per month.

  • Material costs will vary depending on the level.

  • €35,00 (EUR)  p/50 min. session 
    €140,00 (EUR) p/month. 


  • Intake session, €30,00 (EUR) 


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