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Hi there! My name is Marianneke, but you can call me Mary. I'm a Language and Intercultural Communications facilitator at Linden Tree. Although I have a very Dutch name, I actually have a bicultural background, Dutch and Mexican. From a very young age I learned what it meant to speak different languages and embrace different cultures, and therefore majored in Communications at HAN University (Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen), where, in a multicultural environment, I discovered my passion in teaching and coaching people to help them connect and communicate with other cultures through language and intercultural skills development.

My most 
recent experience was in Brazil, where I lived for 6 years, and where I taught and coached many Brazilian learners. While doing so, I learned that every person has a very particular need and learning style, and that languages are connected to our emotions, perceptions and beliefs. At Linden Tree, we want to show you, not only the technical side of the language, but to nudge you to become more aware of the internal changes you will experience as a consequence of language and culture exposure and help you learn to embrace your own cultural background, as well as to build a solid ground to understand other cultures and their communication styles through a holistic approach.

Our Courses
Sounds Interesting! 

Here are a list of our courses. All of them are provided online and to all Europe. All you need is a computer and a steady Internet connection, so grab your favorite drink and let's dive right in! 
Please s
elect your choice below. 


Nederlands (NT2)


Intercultural English


Intercultural Communications and Language Coaching


 Tive a felicidade de estudar com a Mary por 1 ano e meio e posso afirmar que ela foi essencial no desenvolvimento do meu nível de inglês nas diversas áreas – escrita, leitura, fala e escuta.

E eu digo isso não só pelo conhecimento técnico que ela possui, mas pela forma atenciosa aplicada em cada aula, a percepção que ela tem de cada aluno para nos manter concentrados e interessados no exercício, a didática aplicada e as diferentes formas que ela trabalha o dever de casa para se tornar algo prazeroso e que, realmente, traga um grande benefício no desenvolvimento da língua.

Sempre digo à ela: você é muito mais que uma professora, é uma motivadora!"

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